Monday, April 25, 2011

More of the Sperm Test Diary

Blue Heads in the Creamy Firmament

The Sperm Test Diary

In the 1600's, people began looking at spermatazoa under microscopes and saw homunculi in the spermatazoa. I thought it would be interesting to visualize what sorts of homunculi are part of the spermatazoa and which ones end up fertilizing eggs.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Medusa When She Was A Little Girl

This is called "Medusa When She Was A Little Girl." Like most of my work, it is ink, watercolor and acrylic paint on paper and fabric.

I have a certain amount of sympathy for Medusa. People don't just decide arbitrarily one day to start turning people who look at them to stone. We never hear her side of the story. How do you think you would feel if you had snakes for hair? Was she a popular, well adjusted child?