Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Destroyed Book

This is a photo of a work I call the "Destroyed Book." It started out as 3 inch by 5 inch Moleskine Cahier. I took it everywhere I went for two weeks, sketching people all the while. After I finished sketching on all of the pages, I undid the stitching on the spine of the Cahier. I glued all of the pages together in to a continuous page that measures 30 inches by 15 1/2 inches. I sewed it back into the cover and that is where the fun began .

I drew and collaged on each side. It depicts some of major preoccupation-Renaissance and Baroque scientific illustration, Asian sculpture, quirky advertising and packaging design and wierd toys. I flded it all up as sort of an accordion style book so it fits into the original cover. I like how one can see my feet in one of the photos.


  1. Interestingly enough I've seen that shot with the feet but didn't know it was you. I'm pretty sure I saw that on a Belgian foot fetish site. Can't remember whether the caption was in Dutch or French. But I'm pretty sure it was the same picture.
